West Kirby United aim to have the unadopted track running between Hoylake Rugby club and Harrington Avenue in Hoylake resurfaced. This is the main route to the Elm Grove Football pitch.
We need to undertake this work as the current track has large potholes and is nearly impassable. There will be an increase in use of the track as 2 new football pitches will be in use next season (2024-2025).
A repaired track will provide a safe route for our young players to the pitches. The only other viable is via a level crisding. We want to avoid the unnecessary use of the level crossing.
The improved track will be of benefit to residents who use the track as a cut through (on foot or car) and allow improved access to Hoylake Rugby Club / Hoylake and Melrose Bowling Club.
The resurfacing will involve incorporating cement powder into the existing stone subbase. It should last for several years.
We have consulted with the residents of Harrington Avenue, the Rugby Club and the Bowling Club; everyone is in support.
West Kirby United is a registered charity (registration number 1173228) . We have approximately 90 youth football teams and 1100 registered players.
If you can afford to please donate as when we hit the target we will get the work done!!