Match Day Responsibilities

Match Confirmation – Eastham League

Finding Your Fixtures

Your fixtures are issued on The FA Matchday App or click on the FA Full time link; the league secretary will generate a username and password for every registered coach / lead of each team to use by logging on to the FA fulltime admin section of the website, here you can search for all of your fixtures, please visit our results page

You can modify the fixtures online to amend the venue and kick off time, this will generate an automatic email notification to you and your opponent’s coach as confirmation.

To find out who your allocated referee is use the FA Full time link. Click on the referee icon and make sure you have selected the correct league i.e. Wirral U9’s from the drop down box. This should display your fixture and referees name. The referee’s are normally allocated on the Monday or Tuesday before a Saturday match.

Confirmation with your team

Please inform your parents of fixtures as soon as they are published. Ideally you should have an available team before confirming with your opposition / referee.

Confirmation with your opponent / referee

Confirmation of the match with your opponent and referee should be made by text or WhatsApp message at least 4 days before the match. Although this is strictly speaking the home team’s responsibility, it is good practice to do this when you are the away team.

The league should supply you with a list of referees’ telephone numbers.

The managers’ telephone numbers can normally be found in the WhatsApp group for the age group that you manage.  You can confirm matches in this WhatsApp group.

If your referee does not respond the head of the referee’s Rob McGlynn should be contacted 07909506460.

If your opponent does not respond, I would suggest contacting another manager in the same club to see if they can assist with communication. Even if you receive no confirmation from the opposition you should turn up for your match unless told otherwise by the league.

Payment of the Referee

The referee should be paid in cash before the match. The amount will be set by the league at the start of the season.

Cancellation of Matches

If a match is cancelled, you will be notified by the league through the league WhatsApp group. If this happens please notify your referee.  If you do not you may still have to pay the referee’s fee.

Remember if your match is cancelled you can always try and arrange a friendly.

Reporting Results

You will need to log back in to the administrator section of the fulltime website and enter your result against the appropriate fixture. This needs to be done by 5pm on a Saturday evening.